This Massage technique is very delicate and requires the use of Baby oil. This particular massage if done regularly, will help the baby to develop,

encourage, and guarantee better sleeping, reduce and/or relieve the incidence of colic, a problem normally only encountered in babies under 3-4

months, and probably help in improving the baby’s immune system. It is also known and practiced in countries like Nigeria, India, China, etc, where the technique

is modified to include massage techniques that work on the baby’s bones to straighten and strengthen them and massages that help relieve pains in

the baby navel.This massage should be ideally carried out by both parents together, this helps in fostering love, care and, bonding between

both parents and their babies.

Baby massage Techniques Pros and Cons:


Like I said earlier, it’s a good bonding experience. A good way for you, your spouse and your baby to get to know each other and to spend good

quality time together.

Health studies hint that physical contact is essential and good for both babies and parents, improving their breathing, circulation, digestion andgrowth on the baby’s part while, nudging the parents into a more committed family relationship and giving them peace of mind knowing that their babyis developing well.

It’s a great source of sensory and muscle stimulation, which is of high benefit to all babies, but may be most essential for babies with specialneeds, such as developmental disabilities,Down’s syndrome, other physical challenging conditions.

Claims are being made in news reports that baby massages can even be a probable cure for post natal depression

It relaxes all parties who participate (i.e both parent and child).

There convergent beliefs as to the best times of practice of this technique.One school of thought consisting of mostly, health professionals feel that

you should not perform massage on newborn babies, or should wait until they have had their first full course of immunizations (at around 3-4 months).

While, the other school of thought feels that, you should start as soon as possible, as massage can help to provide a smooth transition from the womb

to the outside world and that baby massaging is very beneficial for premature babies. Should you have any concerns about massaging your baby – and

especially if your baby is sick please, consult an appropriate health professional first. Avoid massage on any baby if, the baby shows signs of dicomfort

that causes tears and crying.

If you have any comments , please share. I hope to keep updating this post regularly in the near future.

  1. Very interesting, I will pass on the information to my sister who has just had a beautiful baby boy!

  2. edy4sure

    Please do that and by all means join them, it wll prepare you for your own baby plus, you will all have fun doing it

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